Blog, Trixi

June, 2014

Geecon – HTML5 for Java Developers

Posted on:
Friday, June 20th, 2014
Juraj Fečanin

This lecture has been taken by very interesting and passionate guy – Sang Shin. He has briefly mentioned and demonstrated some key features of HTML5 which are relevant for Java developers. Let’s take a short tour through the list… Geolocation In today’s world of mobile devices our web applications could take advantage of user’s location […]

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Geecon – The Practical Implications of Microservices

Posted on:
Thursday, June 12th, 2014
Juraj Fečanin

Author of this presentation, Sam Newman, is technologist who is trying to improve systems by splitting them into microservices. What is microservice? As I understand it…it is small separate service which can be used by other services via some kind of interface (usually REST). When you implement your system in such a way, you end up […]

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Geecon, geecula and a mug

Posted on:
Monday, June 9th, 2014
Jan Gargulák

Behold, here comes my review of a geecon, the best java conference I’ve ever been to. Jürgen Appelo – The 7 Duties of Great Software Professionals This guy has got a huge ego. Good for him. He talked a lot about what is important for achieving a success and most importantly I would say […]

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Zajímavosti z Geeconu

Posted on:
Sunday, June 8th, 2014
Jakub Skalický

Geecon – Scrum, but… Přednáška se zabývá problematikou scrumu. Jak dělat scrum líp, čemu se vyvarovat. Předpokládá se znalost základních principů scrumu. Přednášel Matt Harasymczuk Web přednášky Nenutit lidi pracovat přesně stanovenej čas. Většina lid má největší kreativitu ve sprše… Mít jednoho člověka na den, co se stará o bugy a ostatní pracujou, když je […]

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